Setting the Display Order of Currencies

This chapter will take you through how to set a certain display order of your currencies within the currencies module so that it reflects on your rate board and/or website. 

Open Currency Module

  • You'll see all currencies listed in alphabetical order based on the currency code which is also reflected in your rate board.  
Open Currency Module

Set your top currency

You may have many currencies and would probably like the most commonly used currencies, for instance, to be displayed first.

  • Select the currency you wish to place on the top of your rate board by clicking on it then hitting 'Edit' in the tool bar.
Set your top currency
  • Select the 'View Options' tab.
  • Notice the 'Display order on the rate board' is set to '0' by default as currencies are generally ordered alphabetically.
  • To rearrange the order of your top currency so that it is placed at the top of the screen, you must enter a number less than '0' in your 'Display order on the rate board', ie; '-4'.
  • Then hit 'Save'.
  • Click 'All' in your Currencies Module Tool Bar and you will see that your selected currency is now bumped to the top of your currencies on your rate board.

Select the currency you wish to view second on your rate board

  • To set your next currency, repeat the previous steps, selecting the currency you wish to list after your first currency then clicking on 'Edit'.
Select the currency you wish to view second on your rate board
  • This time in your 'View Options' tab, enter a number greater than what you had placed in the 'Display order on the rate board' of your previous currency, in this case, '-3'.
  • Then hit 'Save'.
  • And again, you can click 'All' in your Currencies Module Tool Bar and you can see your currency has moved to the second position on your rate board.

Select the currency you want to place third from the top

  • Enter '-2' in the 'View Options' tab.
  • Something to note in the 'View Options' tab is the 'Hide on Rates Panel for Customers'.
    You have the option to check it off if you wish to 'Hide' this specific rate on your rates panel. Otherwise do not check this if you wish to display this particular rate to your customers.
  • Hit 'Save'.
Select the currency you want to place third from the top
  • And again, you can click 'All' in your Currencies Module Tool Bar and you can see your currency is moved to the third currency in your rate board.
  • The order of the remaining currencies will be alphabetical since their 'Display order on the rate board' is still '0'.

View Currency Board

  • To view how your currencies are now displayed on your Currency Board, click 'View' on your Menu Bar
  • Then click 'View Currency Board'.
View Currency Board
  • And here you can see your currencies displayed on your Currency Board in the new order you set up.