Opening Balance - TBD
Before using CurrencyXchanger in your office, you must add all the funds you have for each currency and within each bank account.
This is an essential step which must be done accurately.
- Click on the 'Invoice' module from the tool bar then click 'New'.
- Change the date of this invoice to yesterday's date, then click on 'Adjustments' within the invoice.
Adjusting Cash Till Manual Count
- Click on 'Cash Till' in the top bar of the 'Adjustments' window.
- Since all the cash is stored in the Safe Deposit till (cash till '00') we will put all the funds within each currency into that till.
Thus, in the pop up window, enter '00' as the cash register to adjust then click 'OK'. - Then make sure you select 'Opening' on the bottom left hand corner of the screen.
![Adjusting Cash Till Manual Count](
- Highlight each currency you wish to edit by clicking on it beneath 'Manual Count'.
- Then click on 'Edit Row' and input the exact amount you wish to adjust to.
Adjusting Bank Manual Count
- Now repeat the previous steps, this time clicking on 'Banks only' instead of 'Cash Till' in the top bar of the 'Adjustments' window.
- Also make sure you select 'Opening' on the bottom left hand corner of the screen.
- Highlight each bank you wish to edit by clicking on it beneath 'Manual Count'.
- Then click on 'Edit Row' and input the exact amount you wish to adjust to (input the amount you have within that bank account).
- Hit 'Apply Adjustments' on the bottom right hand of the window.
![Adjusting Bank Manual Count](
After saving all your adjustments you will be prompted back to the invoice.
To balance out the transaction you must complete the invoice following the steps below so that the funds will come out of the appropriate account:
*Note, this (inventory) account should be created before hand (refer to 'Opening Inventory' in 'Adding Essential Accounts' chapter for further instruction on adding accounts).
- The system will automatically write 'Self' as 'Customer' since this is an internal transaction.
This will also prevent the system from charging fees for the transaction. - Click the 'Sell' button. The adjacent box will say 'Paid' followed by 'We SELL'.
- Fill in 'Account' as the type of payment next to 'Method'.
With this payment method a new tab will appear where you will select 'Inventory'. - Input the 'Amount' equivalent to the amount at the bottom of your invoice next to 'Due Payable' in order to balance your invoice.
- Be sure that you have selected the correct currency for this transaction.
- Finally, click 'Add Row' or hit <tab> on your keyboard.
- Once the green check mark has appeared you may save the invoice by hitting 'Save'.
- A window of your newly created invoice will appear where you may print your invoice by clicking on 'Print Invoice'.
- When finished you can click 'Close'.