Teller Proofing

Teller-Proofing refers to the daily task of counting denominations of foreign cash currencies against the system balance.

This section will cover Intraday and End of Day Teller-Proofing (Cash Control) for counting and logging your denominations.

Intraday Teller-Proofing

  • Be sure you are signed in as a user then double click on the 'Teller-proof' module from your tool bar.


Intraday Teller-Proofing

To log the cash currently in your till you must create a new cash tellerproof.

  • Click on 'New Cash Tellerproof'.
To log the cash currently in your till you must create a new cash tellerproof.

Enter the cash denominations in your till

First choose the type of currency you are counting by selecting it from the drop down menu next to 'Currency'.

  • Once you have selected the currency you may enter the your cash count in the boxes below 'Count 1' and 'Count 2' by denomination [Use 'Count1' for counting the money in your till and 'Count 2' for counting the money that is already counted and put away into another drawer in your till].
  • Hit <tab> on your keyboard in between each cell.
  • You will see the total amount of each denomination to the right of each row and a total at the bottom right.
  • For intra-day teller-proofing, make sure you do NOT check off the box next to 'End of Day' (end of shift).
Enter the cash denominations in your till

Once saved

By hitting 'Save' on the previous screen you will be prompted to the following pop up window.

Hit 'Ignore and Continue' to carry on with the intra-day teller-proofing.

Once saved

To view your intraday tellerproof

  • Hit 'Show Intraday tellerproof' to reveal the count you inputted earlier and check that the Manual Balance and System Balance match.
To view your intraday tellerproof

You may enter several intra-day teller-proofs

  • To do so, repeat the previous steps and enter your new teller-proof amounts after selecting the currency you are teller-proofing.
  • Again, make sure you do NOT check off the box next to 'End of Day' (end of shift) since this is also an intra-day teller-proof.
  • And 'Save'.

End Of Day Teller-Proofing

  • To make intra-day teller-proofs into EOD teller-proofs go back to the 'End of Day Tellerproof for Administrator' window and click on 'New Cash Tellerproof'.
  • Recount your currency and correct any discrepancies then check off the box next to 'End of Day' (end of shift).
  • And 'Save'.
End Of Day Teller-Proofing

In later lessons you will be shown how to balance out account shortages and overages.