Adding a Customer

How to add a new walk-in customer.

Open Customers Module

  • Open Customers Module by double clicking on 'Customers' in your tool bar.
Open Customers Module
  • To create a new customer click on 'New' in the tool bar.

Fill in the new customer's information to the best of your knowledge.

  • Note that some of the fields must be filled in order to add a new customer while others are not mandatory.
    This is dependent on your settings and regulations.
  • It is always best to complete as much information as possible for better customer service and tracking purposes.
Fill in the new customer's information to the best of your knowledge.

Add a scanned copy of the new customer's ID.

  • Click on 'Browse file', find your scanned document, click 'Open' then 'Save'.
Add a scanned copy of the new customer's ID.