Configuring The Picture ID Folder
This lesson will go over how to configure a folder for scanned picture IDs. Note that each computer can be attached to a scanner.
Create a Picture IDs Folder
- Create a new folder where you store the Picture identifications for customers on your computer.
- Open 'My Computer' from your Windows Menu then open 'Local Disk (C:)' from your Hard Disk Drives.
For consistency across installations, please save the folder in C:\ drive, although this folder can be placed in any other drive.
- Right click within the 'Local Disk (C:)' folder then select 'New' then click 'Folder'.
- Name the new folder 'PictureIDs' then double click on the new folder you've created and repeat the previous step (or see next step) to create a new sub folder and name it 'Archive'.
Create 'Archive' Sub Folder
- Right click within the 'PictureIDs' folder you just created then select 'New' then click 'Folder'.
- Name the new subfolder 'Archive'.
- You now have a folder within the 'PictureIDs' folder called 'Archive'.
Link your Scanner's Default Settings to the New Folder you Created
- Note the scanner that is attached to your computer must be configured to automatically save all scanned pictures into this folder.
- You may have to change the default path of your scanner.
Each scanner has its own application and driver; refer to your scanner's instruction manual to understand how to change the default path.
It is most convenient to set the scanner defaults to 150 DPI (color) with auto-crop option turned on.
Sample Scanner Configuration Screen
Usually scanners have a custom setup page where you can customize your settings. Each scanner will have a different way to change these settings. Refer to your Scanner manuel or help instructions.
- When defining your scanner settings, if applicable, turn on the Scanner's Auto-crop feature to automatically get rid of white borders around picture IDs.
- Also make sure you set your default destination folder for saving the scans to your default PicutreIDs folder.
Define PictureIDs Folder for CurrencyXchanger
- Once you've linked your Scanner to the PictureIDs Folder, you must link your CurrencyXchanger program to the folder as well.
- Setup your CurrencyXchanger to recognize the PictureIDs folder as the default location to lookup scanned picture IDs.
- Click on 'File' from your menu bar then select 'Client Preferences'.
Edit the Client Preference Profile for your Computer
- Select your computer from the Computer Name list then click 'Edit'.
Configuring the Source and Destination Folder
- Click on the 'Misc Settings' tab in the 'Client Preferences Entry' window.
- The 'Main Folder' is where the system will look for new scanned picture IDs (ie; C:\PictureIDs\)
- The 'Archive Folder' is where the system will move the picture IDs once they are attached to the Customer Profile (ie; C\PictureIDs\Archive\)
Define the Main Folder (PictureIDs folder)
- Assign the 'Main Folder' to your 'PictureIDs' folder by clicking on the 'Select Folder' button under Main Folder then locating the 'PictureIDs' folder within the pop up window (Computer > C:\ > PictureIDs).
- Select the 'PictureIDs' folder then click 'OK'.
Define the Archive Folder (Archive folder)
- Assign the 'Archive Folder' to your 'Archive' folder by clicking on the 'Select Folder' button under Archive Folder then locating the 'Archive' folder within the pop up window (Computer > C:\ > PictureIDs > Archive).
- Select the 'Archive' folder then click 'OK'.
Save Changes
- Save the configuration you set by clicking the 'Save' button.
Scanning a Picture ID
- After you've scanned a new picture ID, the scanner should save it by default to the 'PictureIDs' folder.
You can also manually place a scanned image inside that folder.
For this example, we downloaded a picture from the internet and manually placed in the 'PictureIDs' folder.
Attaching a Picture ID to a Customer Profile
To test the setup, add a new customer profile and attach a picture ID to it.
- Open the 'Customers' Module from the Module Panel then click 'Edit'.
- Select the latest picture from the dropdown menu in the 'Picture IDs & Attachments' tab.
- By clicking on the selected image, it will appear in the empty rectangle below the dropdown menu.
If the image does not preview here, make sure that you have installed Apple Quicktime™ properly. - Click the 'Enlarge Picture ID' button to be able to read the details of the customer from their picture ID and enter it into the system.
Enlarged Customer Entry Form
- Enlarging the ID makes it easier for you to read the customer's ID and fill in their details into the blanks.
- Once you have finished entering the customer's information correctly, close the enlarged customer entry form by clicking on the 'X' button on the top right hand corner of the window.
Archive the Picture ID
- After closing the Enlarged Customer Entry form, you will be returned to the Customers Entry form. At this point, you can continue entering more information about the customer.
- When you are done, click the 'Archive Picture' button BEFORE saving.
- After archiving, hit 'Save'.
- After clicking on the 'Archive Picture' button, you need to confirm the action by clicking on the 'Move and Rename' button.
Thus, the image will be moved to the 'Archive' folder (C:\PictureIDs\Archive) and archived.
The 'Archive' folder
- If you go to your 'PictureIDs' folder, you will notice the scanned ID is no longer there. The archive process moved it from the 'PictureIDs' folder into the 'Archive' folder.
The Archive keeps all your attached picture IDs in one place.
- If you open your 'Archive' folder, you will see that the archived picture ID (the scanned image) has been automatically renamed to include the name of the person on the ID.