How to restore a backup file from 4D Server?
This section describes how to restore your data from a backup file. A backup file had a .4BK extension. The location of the backup files depends on your configuration. Before restoring a backup file, make sure that you are restoring the latest backup.
Where is the backup file saved?
The location of the last backup is always shown on 4D Server "Process Window." If 4D Server is running but you cannot see this window, go to the "Process" menu and select "Show Process Window". The
Find the latest backup file
The backup files may be saved in a "BackupFiles" folder (C:\CurrencyXchanger\BackupFiles). It all depends on your backup configurations.
Quit 4D Server
Make sure you quit 4D Server if it is running.
Shutdown the Server
If there are other clients connected to the server, you should give them ample time to save and quit. Usually the default is 10 mins. Click OK. If all users quit, 4D Server will quit immediately and won't wait.
Open 4D Server once again
Run 4D Server again.
Click Browse to navigate to the backup file (*.4BK).
Select the latest backup
Highlight the file that you want to restore and click 'Open'.
Pick the destination folder
You could restore the backup file right into the CurrencyXchanger folder to replace the old DataFile. It is recommended to restore the file right were it was located.
Restored Folder
You should now see a restored folder right were you restored the backup file.
What's inside the Restored folder?
The data folder (in the above snapshot it's called CAD_Data) holds all the data. If you copy and paste this folder into the normal location of your Data files are, your data will be replaced with the restored version.
Copy the data folder
Right click and copy the folder that is called Data_CAD.
Paste the data folder
Paste the file onto the old data folder that you want to replace.
Replace the data folder with the new folder. Click YES or Yes to All.