Signing-In With a Till
The following steps are necessary before you can use the system. After you have installed the program, run it in standalone mode (using 4D Runtime Interpreted as the helper application).
Managing Tills
Before you can enter an invoice, you must login with a Till.
- To do so, open the Tills module by double clicking on 'Manage Tills' in your tool bar.
Safe Deposit
Once you have opened the 'Manage Tills' module, you will see the 'Cash Register Machines List'. This is where you can add, edit or delete new or existing tills.
- Under the column 'Cash Register Alias', you should see a cash register called 'Safe Deposit' without any signed-In users. Double click on this cash register line.
- Click the 'Sign In' button and you will now notice the 'User Signed-In with this Till' and the date and time of sign-in appear.
- Now that you are signed-in hit 'Close'.
Identifying the Signed-In User
You should now see which user is signed-in with the Safe Deposit till you selected. In this case, since you are the administrator, you can see the 'Signed In User' is 'Administrator' with the 'Sign In Date' and 'Sign In' time.
Editing Tills
- To edit a till, select the till you wish to edit by clicking on it from the 'Cash Register Machines List'.
- Then click 'Edit'.
- You will be directed to the 'Cash Register Machines Entry' in the 'Till Creation Form' window. Be sure to check off 'Automatically create all cash accounts for this till'.
This feature will allow the system to automatically create cash accounts for every new currency that is added to the system. - You can also change your 'Till ID' and 'Name of Till' ie; '00' and 'Safe Deposit'.
Note when changing or creating a 'Till ID', always use a two digit format ie; 00,01,02,03 etc. - You can also choose to limit or share your till till by either checking off 'Share this Till among all users' or 'Reserve this Till for Administrator only'.
- Once you have completed your changes, click 'Save'.
Adding/ Creating Currencies
Now that you have your till set up and are signed in as the Administrator, you may wish to add currencies.
To add more currencies into the system, please refer to the User Manual: Adding Essential Accounts Chapter Adding a New Currency Article.
Restart Client
- Once you are done adding currencies, click 'Support' from the menu bar then select 'Restart Client' or simply quite the program and reopen it.
Now you should be ready for entering transactions.