Setting Up Users and Privileges

One of the jobs of an administrator is to setup user accounts. Each user may have a different set of privileges depending on his or her role in the office. For example, an accountant may need to setup accounts, check the balance of accounts, print profit reports, and enter transactions.  Whereas, a front desk clerk may not need to access the back end.

This section will cover how to set up users and the privileges they can access.

Adding New Users and Assigning Privileges

  • To add a new user and set up their privileges, make sure you are logged in as the Administrator.
  • Go to 'Admin' from your menu bar and select 'Setup Users & Privileges' from the drop down menu.
Adding New Users and Assigning Privileges
  • From the tool bar in the 'Users' module, click 'New' to create a new user.

Entering the Privileges

A 'Users Entry' form will appear.

  • Enter in the 'User Name' and 'Password'.
  • In the 'Password Reminder' field, you may enter a phrase that hints to the password in case the user forgets their password.
  • If you would ike to allow this user to modify exchange rates, check off 'Allow user to modify exchange rates dealing with individuals' or 'Allow user to modify exchange rates dealing with companies' depending on if you would like them to be able to make changes to either (individual or company, or both).
  • Then set what percentage the user can modify the exchange rate by in the 'Percentage allowed to modify rates' field.
  • Check the appropriate boxes to allow the user to have access to different reports and special features (such as printing cheques) etc.
  • Under the 'Default Privileges' you can determine the user's access level to each module.
    The user in the below example is given the privilege to 'View', 'Create', 'Modify', and 'Print' from all modules, however; the user is not allowed to 'Delete' any record.
Entering the Privileges

Adding Exceptions

You may wish to have exceptions with the user's access to some modules.
For instances, to add a special case for the Customers module, do the following:

  • From the Table, select the module you wish to add the exception for from the module's list under 'Module Name' (ie; 'Customers' module).
  • Click 'Add an exception for a module'. The exception will be added to the table below.
  • Now set the privileges specifically for the Customers module only by checking off the boxes next to it.
Adding Exceptions

Note when you add an exception, then you need to specify the privileges of the user's access on that particular module (Table).
Exceptions always override the default privilege.
In this case, the user is not allowed to Create, Modify, nor Delete anything from the Currencies module.
However, the user has full access to the Customers module.

  • Once you have set all your user's privileges, save your settings by clicking 'Save'.