Rate Types
CurrencyXchangerEE has five different Rate Types for each currency that apply automatically according to defined settings in Commission Rules Module depending on the Customer Type and the Amount of currency they are exchanging. There are five different rate types that can apply: Standard, Preferred, FVP+, Interbranch, and Special.
Standard rate
Standard rate applies to:
- Walk-In customers who make transactions lower than 2000 CHF
- GA customers who make transactions of the amount less than 300 CHF when exchanging currencies of smaller value

Preferred Rate
Preferred rate applies when:
- Walk-in and TC customers make transactions for the amount larger than 2000 CHF
- TC customers make transactions for the amount larger than 300 CHF when exchanging currencies of lower value
- FVP customers make transactions for the amount less than 2000 CHF
This rate applies only to FVP customers making transactions for the amounts that exceed 2000 CHF

Interbranch Rate
Interbranch rate applies only to Purchase and Delivery Orders between branches which is why it is not displayed in the Invoice Module
Special Rate
Special Rate is a type of rate can be defined on a branch level for each currency, so we don't have to use centrally managed Special Rate. To learn how to define new Special rate click here.