Launching CurrencyXchangerEE
How to launch and log into CurrencyXchangerEE.
Launch CurrencyXchangerEE
Find CurrencyXchangerEE icon on your desktop and double click on it.
Logging in
- As soon as you open CurrencyXchangerEE you will be asked to log in.
- Select or enter your username and enter your password then click 'Enter' or pres "Enter" on your keybord.
*If you need login or password reset assistance, please consult your Admin.

Logged-in user

- Whenever you are using the Till make sure that you are logged in with your username and password
- Also, to make sure you are on proper system, since we have several: DEV, INT, EDU, PROD
- Once you log in, the initial software displays the Main Toolbar on the top with three main sections:
- Explorer, Invoice and Reporting modules are on left
- Favorites, System Name, Language, Logout and Tools options on the right side.
- And in the center you'll be able to see the details of the logged in User, Branch, and which system you are connected to