Adding a Customer with Picture ID

This article explains how to create a new customer profile and attaching ID to customer profile.

Open Customers Module

  • Open Customers Module by double clicking on 'Customers' in your tool bar.
  • To create a new customer up on the tool bar click on 'New'.

Now you can start filling in in the new customer's information.

  • Note that some of the fields must be filled in order to add a new customer while others are not mandatory.
    This is dependent on your settings and regulations.
  • It is always best to complete as much information as possible for better customer service and tracking purposes.

Add a scanned copy of the new customer's ID.

  • On the right hand side make sure you pick 'Picture IDs' tab
  • Click 'Picture ID Template'
  • Then click 'Create a new template'
  • create a new type of customer ID and click 'Save'
  • you will see the newly created ID type in the popup menu
  • select it and click on 'Pick'
  • before continuing to adding picture ID to customer profile, make sure you have scanned and uploaded your customer ID into the folder you have created in your 'Client Preferences' menu
  • once you do that you'll be able to add the picture in two ways
  • the first one is to select if from the drop down menu (1)
  • and the other is to click 'Browse' open the folder designated for scanned images and defined in your 'Client Preferences' and find the scanned ID within that folder
  • you can now edit the image to fit it better into preview screen and fill in all the info
  • Click 'Save changes' and return to profile
  • Continue filling in the fields
  • Once you do that you can archive the image so you don't accidentally select it for your next customer
  • Click on 'Save' and now you'll be able to see your new customer listed in the 'Customer' module